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Lady Oscar's animation series officially consists of 40 episodes, lasting about 22 minutes each. Dates into the table refers to the first transmission of the series on NTV Japan.
40 episodes have been exported to all parts of the worlds but there were 2 more episodes into the story of this series... this page is ment to explain them too.


  Original japanese title Translation

TMS scripts titles


Titolo italiano


Oscar e il destino delle rose

Oscar's Birth

10th Oct 1979

La grande scelta


Danza, farfalla austrica!

Marie Antoinette

17th Oct 1979

L'arrivo di Maria Antonietta


Fiori di fuoco a Versailles

Battle among women

24th Oct 1979

Un triste presagio


Rose, vino e intrighi

The plot of Madame du Barry

31st Oct 1979



La nobiltą racchiusa nelle lacrime

Pride of my Princess

7th Nov 1979

La rivincita della contessa


Abiti di seta e stracci

Starway to Glory

14th Nov 1979

La scongiura sventata


Chi ha scritto la lettera d'amore?

Fatal meeting

21st Nov 1979

Una notte a Parigi


Oscar del mio cuore

Paying with life

28th Nov 1979



Un sole tramonta, un sole sorge

One sun fades, one sun grows

5th Dec 1979

La morte di Luigi XV


Jeanne, bellissimo diavolo

Ambition Fire

12nd Dec 1979



Fersen parte per il Nord

The sad Queen

19th Dec 1979

Maria Antonietta regina


L'alba del duello. E Oscar...?

Attention, Oscar!

26th Dec 1979

I capricci di Maria Antonietta


Rispondimi, vento di Arras!

From Arras with Love

2nd Jan 1980

Le catene della povertą


Il segreto dell'angelo

The Angel's secret

9th Jan 1980

La contessa di Polignac


La contessa del casino'

Queen Marie Antoinette in danger

16th Jan 1980

La menzogna


Qual'č il nome di mia madre...?

Seeking the destiny of two sisters

23rd Jan 1980

Rosalie a palazzo Jarjayes


Il momento dell'incontro

A revenge to forgive

30th Jan

Rosalie a corte


Improvvisamente, com Icaro

Souls searchin eachothers

6th Feb 1980

Il ritorno di Fersen


Addio, sorellina!

Farewell, my little sister

13rd Feb 1980

Un matrimonio imposto


Fersen, il rondo' dell'addio

This burning feeling

20th Feb 1980

Un amore impossibile


Le rose nere fioriscono di notte

The Intrigue of the Black Rose

27th Feb 1980

La sosia della regina


Una collana dall'infausto luccichio

Inauspicious chest

5th March 1980

Lo scandalo della collana


Astuta e incrollabile

Alas , It's the intrigue of the Collier

12nd March 1980

Il processo


Moetsukita Bara no Shouzo

Portraits of burnt roses

19th March 1980



Adieu, mia giovinezza

The Black Lily turned down

19th March 1980

Una fuga misteriosa


Il minuetto dell'amore non corrisposto

White bird goes away

26th March 1980

Cuore di donna


Voglio incontrare il Cavaliere Nero!

The mysterious Black Knight...

2nd April 1980

Il Cavaliero Nero


Anche se perdessi la luce...

Even if i should lose light...

9th April 1980

Un rischio calcolato


Andrč limone verde

Parting from Love

16th April 1980

Un innamorato respinto


La bambola inizia a camminare

Don't tread on petals!

23rd April 1980

Una nuova vita


Tu sei la luce, io sono l'ombra

You are the light, I am the Shadow

30th April 1980

La sfida di Oscar


Nella caserma sboccia un fiore di lillą

I don't stand a Woman Commander

7th May 1980

La rabbia popolare


Preludio alla tempesta

Revolution's Prelude

14th May 1980

Nemici del popolo


La campana suona a morte nel crepuscolo

My Way

21st May 1980

Gli ultimi splendori di Versailles


Il giuramento della Pallacorda

Arrest Oscar!

28th May 1980



Per Oscar č il momento di lasciare il nido

Parting from father

4th June 1980

Accusa di tradimento


Parola d'ordine: "Addio"

The ways of the roses are separating

11st June 1980

La fame a Parigi


Nella notte della promessa solenne

In the night of the solemn promise

18th June 1980

La voce della libertą


Di fronte alla porta del destino

The fatal bullet

25th June 1980

Divampa la Rivoluzione


Quel sorriso non tornerą mai pił !

Even if this life should be turned off

1st July 1980

Addio Andrč


Addio, nostra amata Oscar

Farewell, beloved Oscar

3rd Sept 1980

14 luglio 1789


Episode 41 (complete compilation)
Versailles no Bara to Onnatachi

The Roses of Versailles and the Women

10th Sept 1980


"Versailles no Bara: Moetsukita bara no shouzou" & "Versailles no Bara to Onnatachi"...

Japanese flop when transmitting the series for the first time, it made NTV decide to stop the transmission in many parts of Japan, at 23rd episode. In place of the 24th episode, they mounted a summarizing episode, whose title was "Moetsukita Bara no Shouzou", translation "Portraits of burnt roses" (in japanese, there is not a formal distinction between singular and plural in grammar but i think plural is preferable in this case).

None was happy in mounting this episode; production of LADY OSCAR perfectly knew that the existance of such episode had one only reason: the sonorous flop of their work; due to this fact such episode went on tv one only time, it was 19th March 1980 (at 7.00 pm, as usual) and then it remained almost forgotten. Not only it was never exported but also it was never published in Japan and never returned on tv again.
Riyoko Ikeda too wished this episode to be forgotten and simply removed from the memory of people thinking to VERSAILLES NO BARA... and Ikedąs wish came truth in a sense: now THE ROSE OF VERSAILLES ANIMATION has got a wonderful success all around the world and, far 27 years from that fatal March of 1980, there are only a few few persons who ever heard about this "Moetsukita Bara no Shouzou" and many less are those who can tell they saw it: why not to publish it since so much time has passed now? The main reason is that it was not a proper episode: in March 1980 it was not possible to create a montage resuming the ending of the story (the end we know) because at that time, the last episodes of the series had not been realized yet!

So what was it? This sort of special Episode 24 was nothing else then a sort of documentary, in which one only image was blinking on the screen and upon that, the narrator's voice was telling the conclusion of the story. That blinking image was the one in which Oscar and Andrč are riding together, dressing the National Guard uniforms... it was the same table who would been choosen to be the final painting for episode 37th (when Oscar and Andrč are running to their barrack after love...).

So this painting was appearing and disappearing on the screen and into it, as with a "picture in pictures" effect, other scenario's tables were running, more or less this is the sequence of what they represented:
- Jeanne beeing marked
- farmers forced to abandon sons for famine (this scene has been removed)
- desperate homeless poeple invading Paris, starving
- crowd looking with mad eyes (these tables will be used for the assault to the Jarjayes coach)
These tables, who were showing the disgraces of the Revolution right before exploding, they were fllowing slowly on the screen. During them running, narrator's voice was telling something like (short):
"Already before the intrigue and finally with the intrigue of the collier, hate of people grows up out of measures and focalizes against the royal family, nobles, cloth and richest... Positions of commons are extreme... Oscar and Andrč are running to face their destiny... Oscar feels she can't dress the Royal Guard uniform anymore and she leaves command to Girodelle in order to run with Andrč and join soldiers of the National French Guard with him..." [Nothing about Oscar's feelings for Fersen...]
Then the image was changing and a street of Paris was appearing: a mad crowd of folks attacks the couch of Oscar and Andrč... they are closed by the crowd who is crying death to them... Andrč was caught ... (here the sequence is known... Fersen arrives and attracts the attention of the crowd on himself in order to move them away - but the sequence into this 24th episode is shorter and without dialogues... the are only the main tables flashing on the screen).
Third and last sequence: Oscar's portrait appears... Andrč endeavors to see it... none talks... then Oscar seems she is asking Andrč what to do and then they take the horses and run away... Oscar guides Andrč's horse because he is amost blind and he is not able to ride well. There is not any background dialogue in the last scene so we can only feel a deept comprehension grown between Oscar and Andrč and we feel that Oscar is ready to leave with him for the last journey of their human lifes.
The first table with Oscar and Andrč on horses came out again...and it's THE END!

At present days no trace remains about this unlucky episode 24th, who was born unforseen and grew improvised... so much that a few days after the transmission of it on tv, some anime magazines were asking "... but what about BERUBARA!?" with astonishment and unbelief at the first time... facing such a cut to the series, in the deep of its running. The series will go on running in one only japanese district.
All we know now about this episode, it's only after the narrations of japanese people who had the occasion to watch it on that day of March 1980. Nothing exists about it anymore, not any edition, nor officially nor elseway.

Very different was the destiny of the 41st episode of the series, whose title in English could be "THE ROSES OF VERSAILLES AND THE WOMEN": just like the other, this was a montage episode, probably born as a sort of leave-taking for fans (those few fans remained till the end...); but the Berubarąs history would have reserved much better fortune to it.
Episode 41 of LADY OSCAR was transmitted one time only in Japan, on Wednesday 10th September 1980: it was lasting double then regular episodes (about 40 minutes rather then 22 of regulars) and it was a long filming running through the most important scenes of the story. Narrator's voice in this episode has a brand-new behaviour: she speaks with a sort of backfeeling as to a public who already know the story... and she guides the public trough a sort of reconstrucion of the events, with very sensitive touch and sadness.

Although the initial existance of this episode could be found into the TMS (Tokyo Movie Shinsha) necessity to complete the end of the story better (because we all know that the last 40th episode has not been done very well...), still now this episode 41th has got a fame that overgoes the reason of its birth.

Episode 41st too never exit Japan and it has never transmitted on tv, still it remains into a VHS publishing, released in Japan by VICTOR during '80s, whose title was "THE ROSE OF VERSAILLES, MEMORIAL OF OSCAR FRANĒOIS DE JARDJAIS" (Note: "Jardjais" is the japanese pronounciation of French "Jarjayes" - many editions of LADY OSCAR during '80s were presenting this name as after the japanese accent...). This VHS, which you can find informations about, among the video original-editions, has became a very hard-to-find object now it has got an high value for collectors.

"Versailles no Bara to Onnatachi", unexpedtedly, was going to enter the heart of BERUBARA fans so much that in 1994, 15 years later the first transmission of the series in Japan, Kitty Records Music-House decided the release of a collectors edition of THE ROSE OF VERSAILLES ANIMATED SERIES and for the first time into the history of visual BERUBARA editions, Kitty dediced to also include this episode into the edition. The commercial title of this marvellous release (including 11 laser discs, booklets, posters, brochures...) was "THE ROSE OF VERSAILLES MEMORIAL BOX". If you are curious to look among the contents of the high-valued BERUBARA MEMORIAL BOX, visit the page of this website here: original editions of the anime in Japan.